Ligandrol Review

Ligandrol, is considered to be the strongest SARM currently available for effective muscle growth. LIGANDROL enhances the anabolic effect of testosterone and attenuates its androgenic side effects. Finally a very effective solution for more muscle growth – without the side effects of classic steroids. It is a new and extremely potent Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) for muscle growth.

It is a nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulator that binds to the androgen receptor with high affinity and selectivity. It shows a strong anabolic activity in the muscle and an anti-resorptive and anabolic in the bones.

  • -Increases in muscle mass and strength comparable to anabolic steroids
  • -Minimal side effects
  • -Excellent for a body re-composition
  • -Healing properties
  • -Prevents muscle loss
  • -Works well on its own or in combination with other SARMs
  • -Excellent results for all types of targets

Has as a proven effectiveness of scientists and researchers build muscles. In addition, ligand magnus strengthens Pharmaceuticals bone. It may be referred to as a selective androgen receptor modulator. Those with a demonstrably high affinity to the so-called androgen receptors in bone and especially in skeletal muscle.This is great for bodybuilding Ligandrol represents an optimized alternative to a prohormone cycle.

Scientific studies have shown that bodybuilding is already within about three weeks too leads to increased muscle growth. This in the daily intake of 1 mg SARM Ligandrol. The result was about 1.5 kg of pure muscle mass. However, as doses of up to 10 mg SARM Ligandrol are taken daily in the field, bodybuilding can be much more intense during bodybuilding.

Women who do bodybuilding already have a clearly visible effect when building the muscles with a dose of 3 mg SARM Ligandrol every day. When taking the SARM Ligandrol capsules, however, women should always point out that, in contrast to Ostarine, the residual androgenic potency may be more pronounced. In addition, research conducted by researchers shows that SARMs capsules such as the SARM Ligandrol can basically be combined with all other SARMs.

Men should take two ligandrol capsules daily (each 5 mg ligandrol per capsule) and women one capsule.The duration of the admission should be eight weeks. Compliance with a resolution phase is recommended with the SARM Ligandrol. Following the use of the SARM Ligandrol, a withdrawal phase (post-cycle therapy, PCT) is recommended compared to other SARMS.


It is most commonly used at doses of 5 to 10 mg SARM Ligandrol per day. After 3 or 4 weeks, some users recommend increasing ligand dosing. Cycle-off SARM Ligandrol every 6 to 12 weeks.

Possible Side Effects:

Ligandrol has no significant side effects. So far, no side effects have been detected. That does not mean that it has no side effects. Some studies have shown that Ligandrol suppresses free testosterone levels. In addition, the suppression of sex hormone-binding globulin lowering (SHBG) has been demonstrated.

The good news, however, is that after the Ligandrol taking the body takes only a very short time to restore normal testosterone levels. After 1 to 3 weeks this will be normalized again.

No changes were observed in the estrogen system under the Ligandrol. Nevertheless, some users prefer an aromatase inhibitor. Another great advantage is that Ligandrol is not associated with lexicicity. So no long-term damage to your body and organs is expected.

Unlike other SARMs, a settling phase (PCT) is recommended after using SARM LGD-4033 LIGANDROL. Although this drug does not suppress the body’s own hormone production as much as anabolic steroids, this suppression is much more pronounced than with other SARMs, which requires a sedation phase. LGD can be combined with other SARMS.

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